70th Folklore Festival Východná, 3 - 6 July, 2025 Facebook Instagram YouTube

About the Festival

The Folklore Festival Východná is the oldest and the largest nationwide festival with international participation in Slovakia. Annually, on the threshold of the summer tourist season in the attractive environment near the High and Low Tatras, rich folk traditions come to life, and the village of Východná becomes the center of traditional Slovak culture for several days.

FFV is a celebration of folklore and its existence contributes significantly to revival, preservation, creative development and public presentation of the precious values of the Slovak cultural heritage. Folklore is deeply rooted in the traditions and culture of the Slovak nation, thus, every encounter with it can evoke joy and revive not only history but also emotion. Be a part of this celebration and experience the joy of mutual encounter, bringing history and feeling to life.

Take a look with us at the highlights of the FFV 2024.

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Národné osvetové centrum



Národné osvetové centrum
Nám. SNP č. 12, 812 34 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
IČO: 00164615
DIČ: 2020829888
State contributory organization of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, operating on the basis of the new founding document issued by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic MK-2472/2016-110/8080, in the wording of Appendix No.1 issued by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic MK-5399/2023-110/18744


Obec Východná
Východná 616, 032 32 Východná, Slovak Republic
IČO: 00315893
DIČ: 2020574908

Contact for program director

Ondrej Galbička

Media contact

Mgr. art. Ľudovít Andrejo
+421 2 204 71 240, +421 908 080 502

Ing. Samuel Chlpek, PhD. – social media contact
+421 918 716 042

Contact for marketing

Mgr. art. Ľudovít Andrejo
+421 2 204 71 240, +421 908 080 502

Production contact

Mgr. Zuzana Kaprinay
+421 2 204 71 270
+421 948 655 249